MB Industries

Malney Bros white Globe

Malney Brothers Industries


Roles is a list of all the different gameplay loops we play within Malney Brothers Industries. All of our roles are themed towards our main direction of industry. Logistic roles to support and work alongside, science roles to explore/locate areas/information of interest and protection to protect our members in the verse.






Ranks is the ranking structure within Malney Brothers Industries for people who like to progress towards the top. There’s no requirement to go above and beyond a standard member if you choose.  There will be a perk system attached to roles in the future when Star Citizen has fully implemented the Org tools in game and we know what we are working with. You are promoted based on skills, activity and knowledge within the game, then higher still if you have a want to work with us guys coordinating and organising Malney Brothers Industries. 


This is the role for who created the org and runs everything for our members.


Dedicated head of running one of the 4 pillars (Industrial, Logistics, Science or Protection)


Help assist Admirals & Captains when available. Run their own official org events if they choose to.


Members who consistently attend events and have the knowledge to assist a variety of players.

Advanced Crew

Regular activity players who know the org and its members well.


Standard members role


New members. get upgraded to crew with a small amount of org engagement.