MB Industries

Malney Bros white Globe

Malney Brothers Industries

17/05/2024 - Invictus Launch Week

Heading into this years invictus halls checking out the polaris and then moving on to tour the UEE Idris.

24/05/2024 - Engineering

We will be heading into private server in AC and having a go with engineering as an org for the first time since its release.

31/05/2024 - Coordinated Salvage

Grouped up into salvage ships, Cargo ships & protection ships we head out and take control of larger salvage claims. Experience salvage as a coordinated group.

07/06/2024 - Coordinated Mining.

We will "salvage" cargo from a battlefield (in deep space) going after quantanium and "cough" maybe some drugs. This is open to pvp but is less so than jumptown due to location.

07/06/2024 - Coordinated Mining

Utilising our knowledge of the new mining system to maximise profits and make everyone good aUEC. Using Moles & Scouts for a seamless mining experience.

Scheduled In Next Months Block

All Events run this month. More coming soon.